
Debugging is finding and fixing mistakes in your code that are called bugs.

  • It’s easier to identify issues if you make one change at a time, and then run your program

  • It might take a few experiments for your project to work in the way that you planned

Here are some tips that can help you to debug a project when it is not doing what you want it to do:

Run smaller pieces of code

You do not have to run a whole program to check whether the last few new blocks that you have added work.

  • Click on a block in the Code area to run it — it is a quick way to check that a block is working as you expect it to

  • To test a set of blocks on their own, drag them away from their containing script, click on them to test them, then drag them back to the main script

Add temporary delays

Slow down the execution of your code when it is run. To do this, add a wait or wait until key pressed block, then remove the block when you have finished debugging your code.

Show variables on the Stage

If your project uses variables to store data, then it can be helpful to show those variables on the Stage.

Click on the checkbox next to a variable in the Variables blocks menu to show or hide it on the Stage.

Does the variable always have the value that you expect?

Add Comments

Add comments to blocks, sets of blocks, and/or scripts. Use everyday language to explain what the code does. Sometimes, this will make you realise that your code does not actually do what you want it to do!

Comments are useful for when you want to understand your code later, and they help other people to understand your projects.

There are common problems that lots of beginners (and experts!) experience in Scratch.

Debugging tips for specific problems

  • My sprite is going upside down — Add a set rotation style left-right or set rotation style don't rotate block.

  • My sprite ‘jumps’ when it changes costume or bounces — Make sure that the costume is centred in the Paint editor (line up the blue cross in the costume with the crosshair in the centre of the Paint editor).

  • My sprite stops when it gets to the edge of the Stage — Add an if on edge, bounce block.

  • My sound does not play — Have you added a block to play sound when the sprite is clicked? If you have copied code from another sprite, you will need to add the sound to this sprite in the Sounds tab. Check the volume on your computer or tablet, and make sure that you have not lowered the volume with code — try set volume to 100.

  • Other sprites keep going in front of my sprite — Use a go to front layer block.

  • My sprite only moves/changes once — Put your code inside a forever block so that it keeps running.

  • My sprite does not change when I move a variable slider — Put your code inside a forever block so that it keeps updating.

Tip: If you cannot find the problem after you have tried these techniques, then take a break or work on a different part of your project. When you come back, you might find the bug straight away!