username=input ('Enter Your Name:')
print ('My Name is:' +username)
Enter Your Name:sena My Name is:sena
rolenumber = int(input('Enter Your Class Number: '))
print('My Role Number is: ' + str(rolenumber))
Enter Your Class Number: 123 My Role Number is: 123
operation = int(input('Choose an operation from 1 to 4: '))
variable_1 = int(input('Enter variable 1: '))
variable_2 = int(input('Enter variable 2: '))
if operation == 1:
print(variable_1, "+", variable_2, "=", variable_1 + variable_2)
elif operation == 2:
print(variable_1, "-", variable_2, "=", variable_1 - variable_2)
elif operation == 3:
print(variable_1, "*", variable_2, "=", variable_1 * variable_2)
elif operation == 4:
if variable_2 == 0:
print("Error because division by zero is not allowed.")
print(variable_1, "/", variable_2, "=", variable_1 / variable_2)
print("Invalid operation")
Choose an operation from 1 to 4: 4 Enter variable 1: 450 Enter variable 2: 45 450 / 45 = 10.0